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Wednesday Gender Seminar Series (Fall 2018)

日期 : 2018-09-01

时间 : 12:30pm - 2:00pm

地点 : Room 109, Chen Kou Bun Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Date: 19 Sept 2018
Title: De-Gendering the Law?
Speaker: Prof. Jens M. Scherpe (Universities of Cambridge, Hong Kong and Aalborg)

Date: 24 Oct 2018 (Wed)
Title: Masculinity in Exile: A Choreography of Gender and Intimacy for Asylum-seekers in Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. Sealing Cheng (Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)

Date: 31 Oct 2018 (Wed)
Title: Male Victims of Sexual Violence: Trauma in Survivors Narratives
Speaker: Christian Veske-McMahon (European Union agency European Institute for Gender Equality)

Date: 14 Nov 2018 (Wed)
Title: Exploring the Global Politics of Pride: LGBTQ+ Activism, Assimilation and Resistance
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Conway

Date: 28 Nov 2018 (Wed)
Title: God and Sex: Theological and Sociological Imagination (conducted in Cantonese)
Speakers: Jason Too and Dr. Minnie Li

Date: 5 Dec 2018 (Wed)
Title: Queer Mobility and Immobility: Mainland Chinese Women Before and After Leaving China
Speaker: Prof. Lucetta Kam (Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University)