Wednesday Gender Seminar周三性別講座Co-presented by Gender Studies Programme, Gender Research Centre, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學性別研究課程 及 性別研究中心舉辦
日期 Date: 2020年3月4日
時間 Time: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
地點 Venue: 網上講座,請報名以獲得講座連結 Online Seminar, Link Provided to Registered Participants
講者Speaker: 王亦鳴 (⾹港中⽂⼤學性別研究課程哲學碩⼠學⽣) WANG Yiming, Mphil. in Gender Studies Programme (Cultural Studies),
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
主持Moderator: 譚佳 (⾹港中⽂⼤學⽂化及宗教研究系助理教授) Prof. TAN Jia, Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
簡介Abstract: ⽇益嚴格的網絡審查成為⼀種將不同網絡群體相連結的共同經驗,管理者為達到治理的⽬的,外在的網絡審查制度與內在的網⺠⾃我審查意識是雙線並⾏的兩個進程。耽美作為⼀種主要由⼥性參與的亞⽂化,在過往研究中主要被肯定為對⽗權社會具有抵抗性的進步意義。然⽽,在審查⾯前,耽美粉絲圈落⼊了內容同質化且缺乏反思、報復性舉報⾏為盛⾏的困境。
The increasingly strict network censorship has been evolving from an internal
institution to a shared experience which engages a variety of network
communities. Reporting Tanbi which involves obscene content creates a
connection among females, homosexuals and anti-homosexuals. Tanbi as a
sub-culture mainly with women engaged, and somehow proved to be progressive and
revolutionary, intend to establish a heterotopia of free expression in gender.
Erotic description embedded in Tanbi culture reflects the suppressed female
sexuality in the patriarchal society of China, deconstructs and subverts the
image of masculinity, and partly contributes to the production of figures of
gay community. However, encouraged by the government and platform policy,
anti-homosexuals started a compaign of reporting Tanbi culture, which
exacerbates the conflicts between Tanbi community and homosexual community.
Resorting to Actor-Network Theory, this paper reveals as well the complicated
situation in which the female users of Sina Weibo deal with network report and
their endeavors of self-defense against it. It also discusses how network
report creates a new resistance force out of the original Tanbi community while
it cracks the original community down.
講者簡介Speaker's Biography:王亦鳴是性別研究在讀的哲學碩⼠學⽣,相關學系是⽂化研究。她的研究興趣在於中國⼤陸的流⾏⽂化和網絡審查。她的哲學碩⼠論⽂主題是《從條紋空間逃逸:微博審查中耽美群體的分裂與反抗》。
Wang Yiming is an Mphil student in Gender Studies, affiliating with Cultural
Studies. Her research interests are Tanbi (耽美)
community and other popular culture.
語言Language: 普通話Mandarin
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