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Wednesday Gender Seminar (Oct 9)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Sept 25)
Wednesday Gender Seminar Fall 2024
Lucky Draw Announcement
International Conference 2024 : A Dialogue with Chizuko UENO and Deborah DAVIS: Gender Equality and Changes in Intimate Relationships
Wednesday Gender Seminar (April 3)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Mar 27)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Mar 13)
International Women’s Day Seminar: Gender Occupational Equality and Men’s Share of Childcare
Women in Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Educational Sector
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Mar 6)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Feb 28)
From MeToo to Barbie: Is There a Gender War?
Contesting Boundaries and Navigating Identities: Second-Generation Adult Children from Cross-border Marriages in Taiwan
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Feb 21)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (February 7)
Wednesday Gender Seminar Spirng 2024
網絡約會/戀愛暴力調查研究 | 招募深度訪談參加者
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Sept 27)
Wednesday Gender Seminar Fall 2023
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Oct 11)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Oct 4)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Sept 20)
"Gender Perspectives in Urban Planning: The Case of Barcelona" Seminar
Congratulations to Prof. Susanne Choi on being awarded “Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme”
Recruitment of Research Assistant
Annual Gender Roles Workshop 2023 : “Technology, Gender and Safety in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan”
Research on Technology, Dating, and Relationship Among Young People Focus Group | Participant Recruitment
Gender, Dating and Violence in Urban China
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Nov 16)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Nov 9)
Gender Research Centre Orientation Talk: Honour Based Violence: minority women as agents of change
Wednesday Gender Seminar Fall 2022
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Sept 21)
Wednesday Gender Seminar (Sept 14)
Annual Gender Roles Workshop 2022
Full-Time Academic Mothers: Challenges and Resilience
Gender Justice Scholarship 2022
Large-Scale Research Grant Application Workshop
International Conference on Gender 2021: Moving towards Gender Equality and a Sustainable Society (in Chinese)
Awardees of “Gender Justice Scholarship”
Gender Research Centre “Gender Justice Scholarship”
蕭紅女性書寫研究 The Research of Xiao Hong’s Female Writing
Public Spaces and a Politics of Gendered Visibility in 21st Century India
The Profile of Risk in Cervical Cancer Prevention in Southwest China
What Works: Promoting Women’s Political Participation in Indonesia: Reflections on 17 Years of Candidate Quotas
Action for Gender and Justice: The Story of the Queer Theology Academy Founder
A “Phoenix” Rising from the Ashes: China’s Tongqi, Marriage Fraud, and Resistance
Human Library X Book Launch of “Break the Barriers-Inside Stories of Ethnic Minority Muslim Girls in Hong Kong”
Marriage as Filial Duty, Personal Choice or Social Expectation?: Exploring Differences in the Experiences of Single Women in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo
Gender Research Centre Orientation Talk: Visa Violence: Asylum-seekers in Marriages of Exception in Hong Kong
Envisioning the City: Arts-based Research with Domestic Workers, Asylum-Seekers and Ethnic Minorities
Premarital Abortion: Reproductive Politics in Post-Socialist China
Email Order Brides under China’s Global Rise
‘To Shine’ or ‘To Die’?: ‘Womenomics’ and Women’s Worth to the Economy in Neoliberal Japan
網上講座:《仍是禁忌? 性暴力男受害人的處境》
Annual Gender Roles Workshop 2020 性別角色工作坊2020《疫情下性別平等的反思》
《身體自主?女性主義的視角》 網上講座 Online Seminar on Body Autonomy: feminist perspectives
Online Seminar on "Nth Room Incident" and Online Image-based Sexual Violence《從韓國「N號房」到網絡影像性暴力的前世今生》
網上講座: 政治衝突與性暴力 Political Conflicts and Sexual Violence
女子、女傑、女界:《天義》與晚清女權論述 Women, Heroines, and Women’s Sphere: Tianyi and Late Qing Feminist Discourse
Queering the Legitimacy of Motherhood: Cross-Border Reproductive Travel and Lesbian Family Building in Contemporary China
Public Seminar-Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession and Higher Education: A Global View and A Local Perspective
Gender Research Centre Orientation 2019
Refusing obliquely: On siren eun young jung and the three moments of performing in anomaly
The performative effects of diagnosis: thinking gender, sexuality, and intimacy through diagnostic logics and politics
Annual Gender Role Workshop 2019 Series 3 Review of Human Rights in Hong Kong with a Gendered Lens
Menstrual Culture in Asia Exhibition
Childhood Gender Diversity in the Community and Across Cultures
Seminar # 2 of Annual Gender Roles Workshop Series 2019: Healthy living standards from a gender perspective
Luncheon workshop: Why are women missing from higher education leadership in Hong Kong and what needs to be done?
Access to gender justice for transnational migrants
Hong Kong and the Early Gay Liberation Movement 香港與早期的同志解放運動
Same-Sex-Attracted Men and Global and Local Discourses in Chengdu and Taipei
Wednesday Gender Seminars (Spring 2019)
Gender, Sexuality and Justice: Resilience in Uncertain Times
Queer Mobility and Immobility: Mainland Chinese Women Before and After Leaving China
A Dialogue on “Faith in Finance: Gender and the politics of value in Islamic finance”
God and Sex: Theological and Sociological Imagination (conducted in Cantonese)
Exploring the Global Politics of Pride: LGBTQ+ Activism, Assimilation and Resistance
Male Victims of Sexual Violence: Trauma in Survivors Narratives
Masculinity in Exile: A Choreography of Gender and Intimacy for Asylum-seekers in Hong Kong
Gender Research Centre Orientation Gathering 2018
De-Gendering the Law?
A dialogue on Gender and Sexuality Politics in South Korea and Hong Kong: #MeToo Movement
Wednesday Gender Seminar Series (Fall 2018)
Annual Gender Roles Workshop 2019: Sexual Harassment in Institutions
Film Screening: Yvo and Chrissy (《如此生活》)
Gendering Cohabitation in China: Perception and Transition of Intimacy
Life and Death of the Mad-Youth: A Literary Perspective
Food, Masculinity and Sexuality in Ang Lee’s “Father Knows Best” Trilogy
A Study on the Relationship between Hegemonic Masculinity and Male Makeup Practice in Hong Kong
Blurring the public and private boundary? Urbanization paths and gender ideology in post-reform China
Seminar on Enhancing Awareness of Sexual Harassment in Different Sectors
The Lexicon of BL Fan Culture: A Chinese Case
How Filipina migrant women in Hong Kong understand their same-sex relationships
Wednesday Gender Seminar Series (Spring 2018)
“Stand for yourself”: Public Forum on Sexual Harassment Claims and Backlashes
Gender Destiny combined with Women in Leadership
The Causes and Consequences of LGBTQ Youth Homelessness: A Case Study of Atlanta, Georgia USA
Beauty Queens and Their College Going Kids: Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong and Women's Empowerment
Gender and Employment in Rural China (Book Launch)
Sex Work and Documentary Ethics
Language and embodied sexuality
Wednesday Gender Seminars (Fall 2017)
Annual Gender Role Workshop 2017
Orientation Gathering 2016
Large-Scale Research Grant Application Workshop
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