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Gender, Dating and Violence in Urban China

日期 : 2023-01-18

Gender, Dating and Violence in Urban China

Date: 30 January 2023 (Mon)

Time: 12:30 - 14:00

Venue: HKIAPS Conference Room (Rm 505, Esther Lee Building, CUHK)

Language: English

Speaker: Prof. WANG Xiying(Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University)

Abstract: This book explores young peoples experiences of, and views on, dating, gender, sexuality and violence within dating relationships. Based on interviews and focus groups conducted in Beijing over a long period, and focusing especially on dating violence, the book reveals insights on a wide range of issues of gender and sexuality in contemporary China. It shows how young Chinese people’s attitudes and behaviors are changing as urban China develops rapidly, and how their experience of dating violence and meaning-making process are affected by age, gender, location and class.

Short Bio:Dr. Wang Xiying is a professor in Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University. Her research interests include Gender-based Violence, Sex Education, School Bullying, Education of Sociology, Youth Studies, Gender Studies, and Qualitative Research Methods. She has written and published more than 100 research papers, including journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and reports. Her articles have been published widely in international peer–reviewed journals including Modern China, Violence Against Women, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Sex Roles, Sex Education, Sexualities, etc., and gained a lot of attention, both locally and internationally. Her book, Gender, Dating and Violence in Urban China, was published by Routledge in 2017(hardcopy) and 2019(paperback). She has been the principal investigator of different projects funded by Ministry of Education, National Social Science Fund, National Natural Science Fund, UNFPA China office, UNWomen China Office etc. Her contact information is xiyingw@bnu.edu.cn.

Registration link: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=1859356