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Full-Time Academic Mothers: Challenges and Resilience

Date : 2022-03-08

Gender Research Centre Mentorship Workshop 2021-22

Full-Time Academic Mothers: Challenges and Resilience

Speakers: Prof Chan Yip Wing-han (Assistant Dean (Education); Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK); Prof Ng Fei-yin, Florrie (Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, CUHK); Prof Ling Minhua (Associate Professor, Centre for China Studies, CUHK)
Moderator: Prof Choi Susanne Yuk-ping (Co-Director, Gender Research Centre, HKIAPS, CUHK)
Concluding Remarks: Prof Sham Mai-har (Pro-Vice Chancellor, CUHK; Co-Chairperson, Women Academics Sub-committee)
Date: 8 March 2022 (Tue)
Time: 1700 - 1830
Venue: Zoom meeting
Language: English
Format: Interactive workshop
(Successful registrants will be notified by email.)