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"Gender Perspectives in Urban Planning: The Case of Barcelona" Seminar

Date : 2023-07-13

Gender Perspectives in Urban Planning: The Case of Barcelona

Date: 17 Jul 2023 (Monday)

Time: 10:00–11:15 AM

Venue: Room 505, 5/F, Esther Lee Building, CUHK



Barcelona is one of the pioneering cities in achieving social equity in urban planning. To learn from this city’s pathways of advancing gender equity and social justice, an academic trip was undertaken to Barcelona in 2023. In this seminar, we will present our findings from the trip. In particular, we will report on the strategies to achieve equality that are being implemented by the Barcelona City Council. We will first introduce Barcelona’s gender and time policies, and then the city’s Plan for Gender Justice. We will also cover Barcelona’s urban policy of creating “close-knit and sustainable neighbourhoods”, which encompasses four aspects: exploratory walks, industrial parks with a gender perspective, gender impact assessments on urban planning, and municipal facilities with a gender perspective. This will be supplemented with some snapshots of gender-conscious urban design from other parts of the world, such as Singapore, Japan, and California. The seminar will end with a discussion on potential changes in Hong Kong’s urban planning practices and gender policies.


Speaker: Prof. Sylvia Y. He (Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK)


Moderator: Prof. Fanny M. Cheung (Senior Advisor, Faculty of Social Science & Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK)


Language: English


Registration linkhttps://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13669963 



Tel: (852) 3943 3471

Email: policyresearch@cuhk.edu.hk