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Women in Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Educational Sector

日期 : 2024-02-29

We are pleased to share with you the Forum on Women in Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Educational Sector.
Our Co-director Prof. Susanne Choi will be the keynote speaker in this forum.


To address the challenges of the gender gap in the Higher Education sector in Hong Kong, British Council is planning to organise a Forum entitled ‘Opportunities and challenges women academics experience in leadership careers’ on Wednesday 6 March 2024. Our guest speakers will discuss the current status of women academics in leadership, the opportunities and challenges they face in advancing into leadership positions, and how to empower them to overcome the obstacles to professional advancement and to bring greater influence in their professional arena. The Forum will also celebrate the launch of the British Council’s first-ever Postgraduate Scholarship for Women, which will provide opportunities for beneficiaries to continue with their studies and research in specific subjects.

Event Details
Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024
Time: 2-7pm
Venue: Shanghai Room, Level 8, Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong
Address: 555 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Registeration Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=wXVirt3MRkCyoWJFosyj7Nevc5bRCkRHgui23yXLRXtUQVlVT1dEQ0JQRkFKOElNQVkxUE9BTDJERC4u

Through a series of of keynote speeches and panel discussions the Forum will support delegates to explore the following questions:
What are the opportunities and challenges for women in advancing into leadership positions in Higher Education in Hong Kong?
How to empower women to overcome the obstacles to professional advancement?
How to drive changes in gender equality in the Higher Education sector?
How can Higher Education Institutions support women to advance their careers?
What more can be done to support women to enter and stay in the Higher Education sector?