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Contesting Boundaries and Navigating Identities: Second-Generation Adult Children from Cross-border Marriages in Taiwan

日期 : 2024-02-18

時間 : 2024-02-29

地點 : Room 422, Sino Building, CUHK


While the second-generation literature has largely focused on North America and Western Europe, this talk examines the emerging formation of second-generation identity in East Asia. Although the region is known for its self-perceived racial and ethnic homogeneity, an influx of marital immigrants and their children has transformed the demographic landscape and softened ethnic boundaries. Through in-depth interviews with fifty-seven adult children from cross-border marriages in Taiwan, I demonstrate their strategies for identity management under the typologies of majority identity, biculturalism, rescaling, and differentiation. In the current context of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, a bicultural identity has increasingly become a likely option for children of Southeast Asian mothers. Children of mainland Chinese immigrants, however, do not have similar access to ethnic dividends and encounter geopolitical stigmas. I highlight the key factors that enable and constrain the second generation’s identity work, including family socioeconomic status, children’s educational capital, mothers’ national and ethnic origins, and children’s transnational connections.


Prof. Lan Pei-Chia, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, National Taiwan University

Pei-Chia Lan is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at National Taiwan University. Her major publications include Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly
Rich Employers in Taiwan (Duke 2006, won a Distinguished Book Award from the Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association and ICAS Book Prize: Best Study in Social Science from the International Convention of Asian Scholars) and Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US (Stanford 2018).